You are unique!
If you are simply using the SLC80 found on the box of earplugs as a guide you may not be providing accurate protection levels for every worker. Ears come in many shapes and sizes and to make sure all workers are getting the protection they need, you need to know their Personal Attenuation Rating (PAR). The new 3M™ PELTOR™ Optime™ Earmuffs are compatible with the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System. It provides an accurate quantitative assessment of how much noise reduction a hearing protector provides to an individual worker.
What’s your PAR?
Every employee is different. Every job is different. Every ear is different. Finding each employee’s PAR will help you have assurance that workers’ hearing is protected and they are compliant with the law. That’s why we made the new 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System fast, accurate and easy.
Fit testing is key.
Get results you can trust. The 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System measure the effectiveness of the earplug or earmuff inside the employee’s ear providing accurate, quantitative results. Because you can simultaneously test both ears, you have more to focus on education including the importance of fit and protection
Why 3M?
3M offers a complete solution, with dual-ear and earmuff testing capabilities plus a user-friendly interface. The 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System is a fast and easy way to find your employees’ PAR, because we know how important it is to make your hearing conservation program fit seamlessly into your operation.
Contact our customer care team to arrange a demonstration of quantitative fit testing free of charge today!